How to Keep Your Divorce Amicable

Around 42% of marriages end in divorce in the UK. Going through a divorce can be an emotionally challenging time. While the end of a marriage is often unavoidable when a relationship has broken down and can no longer be repaired, you can take steps to make the process less adversarial and keep things as amicable as possible, especially if you have children together. This will help minimise conflict and allow you both to move forward in a healthy way.

Communicate Respectfully

Open, honest communication is key during a divorce. Set the tone from the outset by remaining calm and speaking to your ex-partner in a courteous, respectful manner. Avoid blaming, shaming or putting them down, even if tensions run high. Discuss practical matters related to the divorce proceedings in a business-like way, such as communicating via your solicitors in Cheltenham rather than exchanging abusive text messages. Being able to communicate effectively will make negotiations far easier.

Put the Children First

As any Cheltenham solicitors will tell you, if you have kids, it’s vital that their well-being remains the priority throughout the divorce. Reassure them that both parents still love them and will continue to be a big part of their lives. Explain simply what is happening without bad-mouthing your ex. Try to maintain consistency in their routines and living arrangements to minimise disruption for them. Show a united front with your ex when around the children.

Use Mediation

Many law firms in Cheltenham that specialise in divorce recommend mediation for their clients. Using mediation involves sitting down with your ex and a neutral third party to discuss important divorce matters like finances and childcare arrangements. The mediator facilitates the conversation and helps you compromise. Mediation aims for fair resolutions that both parties are satisfied with. It tends to be faster and less expensive than solicitor negotiations.

Be Reasonable with Divorce Settlements

Negotiate divorce settlements in a reasonable, rational way. Consider getting professional valuations done on any joint assets. Try to split things equitably based on your financial positions post-divorce. Be prepared to compromise. Contesting every minor issue will only lead to resentment and rows. If you can both walk away feeling the outcome was fair, it will set the right tone going forward.

Look After Yourself

A divorce takes a toll emotionally. Seek support from close family and friends. Don’t be afraid to ask for help with childcare or other responsibilities. Maintain social activities, hobbies and interests that bring you joy. Make time for exercise and eat healthy foods. Get professional counselling if you are struggling with anxiety, depression or anger issues. Looking after yourself will help you stay calm and positive.

Divorce brings significant life changes. By focusing on open communication, fairness, being amicable with your ex and caring for your own needs, you can minimise some of the stress involved. This will help you move on in a healthy way and co-parent successfully. Putting the children first also ensures they feel secure despite the family changes. With goodwill, many couples can navigate divorce in an amicable way.

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