How to Ensure Your Divorce Remains Amicable

Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful of life’s events, along with moving home. Many couples end up locked in an acrimonious dispute, fighting over everything from who gets the kids and the family dog to who has the sofa and the DVD collection. However, it is possible to maintain civility and achieve an amicable split if both parties are committed to doing so. 

Though challenging, taking steps to facilitate respectful communication, seek mediation when needed, and cooperate on co-parenting matters can make a big difference. Prioritising the children’s well-being is also key. With goodwill and compromise, spouses can part ways peacefully. This allows everyone, especially children, to adjust to the new family dynamic in a healthier manner. The following tips will help you safeguard an amicable divorce.

Communication is Key

Good communication between both parties is essential for an amicable divorce. Set the tone early by being respectful in all discussions, emails and documents. This is something a divorce solicitor Hertfordshire will always recommend. Avoid blaming, shaming or criticising your partner as this will only lead to conflict. Focus the conversation on practical matters like finances and child custody arrangements. Listen carefully to your partner’s perspective and try to find compromises. Being reasonable will encourage them to do the same. 

Schedule regular meetings or calls to talk through issues as they arise. Keeping the lines of communication open will prevent pent-up frustrations. However, know when to take a break if conversations get heated. Give yourself time to calm down before continuing discussions. Silence or hostility will damage the chances of an amicable split.

Seek Mediation

Consider enlisting an independent third-party mediator if you are struggling to agree on important divorce matters. Shop around to find an experienced, neutral mediator both you and your ex trust. Give it a try before declaring you have reached an impasse. The mediator is there to guide not judge, so you may find your partner more willing to cooperate than in solo negotiations. Make mediation sessions a priority by clearing your schedules and going in with an open mind.

Maintain Civility with Co-Parenting

When children are involved, keeping the divorce amicable is especially vital. Any conflict between parents can negatively impact kids, so make their well-being the priority. Develop a child custody schedule that accommodates both parents. Split time fairly based on work schedules and the children’s needs. Be flexible and willing to swap dates when needed. 

Communicate calmly with your ex about the children. Avoid arguing or negotiations in front of them. Try parenting apps to coordinate schedules and important information without frequent direct contact. Keep talk focused on the children’s activities and needs. Now is not the time to rehash old marital disputes.

Being civil and cooperative with your ex-partner after divorce is achievable through open communication, compromise and mediation. The process will run more smoothly when both parties are willing to listen, stay flexible and prioritise the children’s welfare. 

While divorce is never easy, following these steps can help make it as amicable as possible.

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