Jewish Spirituality: Fundamentals of Judaism


COVID 19 pandemic has impacted the world in every way possible. For every individual on the planet, life has changed profoundly.

From the increase of mental health conditions among adults, emotional exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and suffering from sleep problems, people have suffered from many things.

According to experts, one in every five Americans suffers from some form of mental illness. Though there have been several medical practices, counseling, and therapies to treat such conditions, it has been seen that people are still struggling to stabilize their mental health.

This is where Judaism Spirituality helps people reach a stable state of mind.

When we think about Judaism, we often think about its mechanical repetition of practices and books full of written observances and rules.

Despite what others say, the ceremonies, rituals, and rules are the byways of Judaism and not the pillars that support Judaism. In fact, for many people, it is a gateway to the spiritual dimension.

What Is Judaism?

Judaism is a religion followed by the Jewish people. It is a religion that believes in One Transcendent God.

According to the Hebrew Bible, God has shown himself to Abraham, Moses, and Hebrew Prophet.

In fact, the Jewish belief is that God is an entity that does live in the transcendental realm but among human beings. God works among humans affecting everything people do.

The concept of this religion might be ancient but still new to many people. If you want to know more about Judaism, My Bar Mitzvah is the right place to start. You would be amazed to know what happens at a bar mitzvah and how they teach their students.

Fundamentals Of Jewish Spirituality

Judaism is one of those religions where people call for God. However, when it comes down to experiencing or understanding the concept of God, Judaism does so by many names.

One way Judaism calls for God is related to transcendental: m’sovev Kol olamim – it means beyond all worlds. As it is considered beyond the world, for Jewish, it’s beyond words to call a God.

At the same time, Jewish also call God by m’malei Kol claim. This means God fills all the worlds.

Simply speaking, for Jewish – God – is everywhere, in everything, and beyond every imagination.

If you still find it difficult to grasp the concept, perhaps the following fundamentals will help you out.

1. Covenant

The first fundamental of Judaism is Covenant. It means a sacred relationship. Now, what does it mean to have a sacred relationship?

Are they talking about relationships with Gods? No! The sacred relationship discussed here is all about people’s relationships with others.

For instance, marriage can be a relationship that can be called Covenant.

2. Torah

The second fundamental of Judaism is Torah. It means a connection that validates Covenant.

Taking the above example of marriage. When people get married, they share vows. These vows are the threads that connect husband and wife. In Judaism, these vows can be considered Torah.

3. Mitzvah

The third fundamental of Judaism is Mitzvah. If we consider the Torah to be an understanding of Covenant, Mitzvah can be the act that we do for the Covenant.

Putting it simply, the Mitzvah is an act that you do to follow Judaism.

4. Teshuvah

The fourth fundamental of Judaism is Teshuvah. The literal meaning of it is the response. In Judaism, Teshuvah is the response to the question people ask when they are off tracked.

When someone is derailed from their belief and integrity and undermines the covenant relationship, they ask themselves – How to self-correct?

This practice is called Teshuva!

Judaism Means Living The Faith!

Judaism is all about everyday practices. So, you can even say that almost what a Jewish does can be an act of worship.

This is because, according to the teaching, Jewish follow the practices that keep their God happy. And in return, God gives them what his believers want.

You might see the whole concept of following a set of rules, regulations, and practices as confinements. But with just a simple change of perspectives, it helps you become a part of a community that gels together even in tough times.

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