Author: Johannes Schuetz
Johannes Schuetz was doing media studies and is an independent journalist and lecturer. Publications e. g. Huffington Post Germany, The European, Tabula Rasa, Die Presse (Spectrum), Extradienst (Media journal), zyklus-report, Glocalist Review.
Current publications on the issue of fundamental rights.
Head of Feasibility Study for a Community TV in Vienna: Conception of an Open TV Channel in Vienna as a centre of media literacy. Study on behalf of the City of Vienna (Austria). The community TV station is broadcasting in Vienna since 2005.
Link to feasibility study:
Head of Feasibility Study for a Twin-City-TV Vienna-Bratislava. In cooperation with the Institute of Journalism at University of Bratislava. On behalf of ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and Ministry of Education in Vienna.
Link to a report of the project in the austrian journal Wiener Zeitung:
TV for two countries: Austria and Slovakia