Cannabidiol, CBD, is a compound for which most people are at least aware of the name. Still, a substantial number of individuals have tried the substance and consider it a staple in their daily regimen. Subsequently, a lot of these users are pet parents who then provided a pet option to their dogs.
These are kind of the steps CBD followed over the last several years as it passes through its various stages of scientific studies. There are quite a few human trials and some dog studies giving medical doctors and vets reason to take a second look and consider it for other species like cats.

Cannabidiol Use For The Feline Species
Cats are one-of-a-kind, and they like to make that clear with their independent, controlling demeanor. But this isn’t the only stand-alone quality for the frolicking feline. Each has a unique physical makeup, meaning every kitty individually will respond to cannabidiol differently.
As a rule, veterinarians concur that hemp oil for cats – CBD for cats – Pet Hemp Company offers a safe, natural substance showing few side effects. You should never provide this or any compound to a kitten or any animal without the explicit knowledge of your pet’s regular vet. A medical professional can determine if the cat is a candidate for the compound and at which dosage.
The doctor is an ideal resource to guide you towards a high-standard brand dealing in only quality products. If the items are devoid of independent lab tests, there could be elevated THC levels, tetrahydrocannabinol, which can be toxic for a cat. THC produces the high when consuming marijuana. It’s essential to keep your kitty away from high THC products for their safety.
Hemp, a distant cousin of marijuana, is naturally low in THC and is the basis for all CBD pet products on the market. In order to fall within normal limits to sell, THC has to fall at 0.3% or lower. At this level, there will be no harm or intoxication for a feline.
Introducing CBD Into Your Cat’s Regimen
The process of introducing cannabidiol into a feline’s routine needs to follow a slow and gradual path. Many kitties are easily startled and sent into an episode of anxiety. No cat is fond of changes to what is familiar to them and attempting to give her a new compound will feel substantial to her. As a pet parent, you need to be discrete and thoughtful in your endeavor, so hopefully, she doesn’t notice the change. Read for guidance on finding quality CBD.
While you can likely put drops in a dog’s mouth or rub it into his gums, a cat might not be as tolerant. But there are other ways to get creative and still allow kitty to be in control of the situation or keep her out of the loop entirely to the point she’s not wise to the fact she’s taking something new.
** The Tincture
With the CBD tincture, there is a wide range of possibilities for providing it to a cat where she isn’t fully aware that she’s indulging in a substance she’s unfamiliar with. In one scenario, you can put drops in and mix them with a can of tuna.
The oil is challenging to mix with wet substances, but if you drain the water off, there’s a chance it will work. You can do this with cans of salmon also that are a drier consistency. For cats who eat hard food, mix drops in with the hard food and let it sit until the CBD thoroughly absorbs, which can take several minutes.
You can also buy infused treats with a broad range of flavors that most species enjoy. While these are something different, the kitty will see them as a welcome surprise more than a negative change.
One way you can add drops naturally and effectively is to apply them to the pads of the cat’s feet. Felines are eternally clean animals. When you make their paws “dirty,” they will wash thoroughly, taking in the dose while they do. Keep the cat from licking until the oil has time to absorb thoroughly into the pad.

** Edibles
Developers work diligently to create a pet product line that animals will find tasty and look forward to allowing easy administration for pet parents, including cat treats and chews. Cats enjoy having something delicious to eat and think nothing of the fact that it’s new. If it were unpleasant, they’d turn their noses up and walk away. Fortunately, the suggestion is that most cats like the flavors.
If your kitty is an exception, you can always make homemade treats or use a favorite store-bought option and apply drops of the oil to absorb in.
Final Thought
Up to this point, most CBD studies have concentrated on humans and in the animal community dogs. But now, science is looking at cats and other animal species to see how the compound reacts with their genetic makeup. With cats, you’ll find that each individual feline will respond differently than the rest because all of them have a unique system. Find out if CBD is good for cats at
Not all cats will be receptive to CBD, with some being exceptionally sensitive to the compound. A kitty’s gastric system is intolerable of many treatment options, and some might struggle to accept the substance. It’s not for all animals. If you see signs of distress, take the animal off and see the vet to ensure safety. The priority for our feline friends is optimum wellness.