Our Shield of lies against corona virus

By; Abdul Rahman Omer Advocate

This is not the first time that human race has faced the pandemic. Even before this, several epidemics have affected a large part of the world in different periods
The recent coronavirus has spread from “patient zero” to more than 200 countries around the globe. In many countries, the virus is spreading at an alarming rate due to collective incompetence. However, in some countries, with strong government efforts and social support, the epidemic has been not only being limited but eradicated.

When the Corona virus reached Pakistan, the government, and the people initially showed some responsibility, which led to significant results in limiting virus spread. But soon the people exhaustion, the fear of the sale season being over, the greed to sell the conspiratorial theories, resulted in circumduction the cautions. Under pressure from various quarters, the government with lack of decision power, adopted an unannounced policy of “herd immunity” out of fear of starvation
Lockdown was eased at a time when the pandemic was getting momentum, but what if the government, religious, commercial and social circles decided to use lies as shield for pandemic? One faction after another agitated for opening up business. On hollow promises of safety measures. And instead of stopping Corona, there were more attempts to spread. Some opinion makers sold the lie to gain ratings, upon which general public made a mockery of the security arrangements. More than 1,08,000 people have been infected with the corona virus in the country. We are ranked 15th in the world in terms of number of patients and not even in the top 100 countries in terms of safety measures.

The most ridiculous act leading to mass suicide was to ridicule the opinion of doctors. According to doctors in Punjab alone, the results are in front of us in the form of 20 million patients. At the government level, minimum testing is a tactic to limit the number of patients.

Although we made a number of frivolous and frightening demands, such as seeing the patient with our own eyes, being the victim of an acquaintance, the death of an acquaintance with the virus, the victim from politicians, which unfortunately the Corona virus continues to fulfill rapidly. And the situation today is that our acquaintances are dying of the virus.

It is unfortunate that as long as the virus was spreading in China, we called the result of eating bats, when it reached Europe it was torment, the punishment of American obedience when it reached Saudi Arabia, the reason for women’s clothing when it reached Pakistan, the conspiracy of capitalism. A plan to install micro-chip in our bodies. It was announced, as well as a promised that on arising “surraya star” and reciting “azaans’ virus can be eradicated. Now that all the claims have been proven to be false one by one, a new tune is being sung that doctors are injecting poison into people suffering from minor ailments and selling their bodies for dollars. Empty coffins are being buried in the name of safety and bodies are being sent to the United States.

The result of the total government works so far, the establishment of the National Command and Control Authority without medical experts, the contradictory government briefings, the arrangement of 29,000 beds, and the ongoing ridiculous smart lockdown.

This painful situation can only be described as the work of our own hands. The lies that have been told to each other and to oneself at the governmental, social and public levels are in front of us today in a very horrible form, and the signs of worsening situation are very clear. Unfortunately, it was our collective decision that doctors and the World Health Organization should not be listened, the pandemic should be considered a minor flu, the tune of imperialist conspiracy should be sung, conspiracy to destroy the economy and enslave us, pandemic should be called punishment for infidels, virus shall automatically vanish in hot weather, Let yourself be deceived in the name of imaginary strong immunity, baseless medical tips and scoffing smart lockdown.

This is the reason why patients lying at home today are being hidden for fear of injecting poison.
The heart of the surviving historian will surely shed tears of blood when countless corpses will be written as punishment for the crime of not keeping social distance, washing hands with soap, not staying home, not taking simple measures like keeping children and the elderly at home. surely his heart will come out when he writes the reasons of this ruinate for our “lie” to each other and to ourselves.

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Abdul Rehman Umer Written by: